Download Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster, by Jon Krakauer
Download Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster, by Jon Krakauer
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Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster, by Jon Krakauer

Download Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster, by Jon Krakauer
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"... he has produced a narrative that is both meticulously researched and deftly constructed. Unlike the expedition, his story rushes irresistibly forward. But perhaps Mr. Krakauer's greatest achievement is his evocation of the deadly storm, his ability to re-create its effects with a lucid and terrifying intimacy." —Alastair Scott, The New York Times Book Review"This is a great book, among the best ever on mountaineering. Gracefully and efficiently written, carefully researched, and actually lived by its narrator, it shares a similar theme with another sort of book, a novel called "The Great Gatsby." —The Washington Post "Into Thin Air ranks among the great adventure books of all time." —The Wall Street Journal "Krakauer is an extremely gifted storyteller as well as a relentlessly honest and even-handed journalist, the story is riveting and wonderfully complex in its own right, and Krakauer makes one excellent decision after another about how to tell it.... To call the book an adventure saga seems not to recognize that it is also a deeply thoughtful and finely wrought philosophical examination of the self." —Elle "Hypnotic, rattling.... Time collapses as, minute by minute, Krakauer rivetingly and movingly chronicles what ensued, much of which is near agony to read.... A brilliantly told story that won't go begging when the year's literary honors are doled out." —Kirkus Reviews "Though it comes from the genre named for what it isn't (nonfiction), this has the feel of literature: Krakauer is Ishmael, the narrator who lives to tell the story but is forever trapped within it.... Krakauer's reporting is steady but ferocious. The clink of ice in a glass, a poem of winter snow, will never sound the same." —Mirabella "Into Thin Air is a remarkable work of reportage and self-examination.... And no book on the 1996 disaster is likely to consider so honestly the mistakes that killed his colleagues." —Newsday "A harrowing tale of the perils of high-altitude climbing, a story of bad luck and worse judgment and of heartbreaking heroism." —People"In this movingly written book, Krakauer describes an experience of such bone-chilling horror as to persuade even the most fanatical alpinists to seek sanctuary at sea level." —Sports Illustrated
A bank of clouds was assembling on the not-so-distant horizon, but journalist-mountaineer Jon Krakauer, standing on the summit of Mt. Everest, saw nothing that "suggested that a murderous storm was bearing down." He was wrong. The storm, which claimed five lives and left countless more--including Krakauer's--in guilt-ridden disarray, would also provide the impetus for Into Thin Air, Krakauer's epic account of the May 1996 disaster. By writing Into Thin Air, Krakauer may have hoped to exorcise some of his own demons and lay to rest some of the painful questions that still surround the event. He takes great pains to provide a balanced picture of the people and events he witnessed and gives due credit to the tireless and dedicated Sherpas. He also avoids blasting easy targets such as Sandy Pittman, the wealthy socialite who brought an espresso maker along on the expedition. Krakauer's highly personal inquiry into the catastrophe provides a great deal of insight into what went wrong. But for Krakauer himself, further interviews and investigations only lead him to the conclusion that his perceived failures were directly responsible for a fellow climber's death. Clearly, Krakauer remains haunted by the disaster, and although he relates a number of incidents in which he acted selflessly and even heroically, he seems unable to view those instances objectively. In the end, despite his evenhanded and even generous assessment of others' actions, he reserves a full measure of vitriol for himself. This updated trade paperback edition of Into Thin Air includes an extensive new postscript that sheds fascinating light on the acrimonious debate that flared between Krakauer and Everest guideAnatoli Boukreev in the wake of the tragedy. "I have no doubt that Boukreev's intentions were good on summit day," writes Krakauer in the postscript, dated August 1999. "What disturbs me, though, was Boukreev's refusal to acknowledge the possibility that he made even a single poor decision. Never did he indicate that perhaps it wasn't the best choice to climb without gas or go down ahead of his clients." As usual, Krakauer supports his points with dogged research and a good dose of humility. But rather than continue the heated discourse that has raged since Into Thin Air's denouncement of guide Boukreev, Krakauer's tone is conciliatory; he points most of his criticism at G. Weston De Walt, who coauthored The Climb, Boukreev's version of events. And in a touching conclusion, Krakauer recounts his last conversation with the late Boukreev, in which the two weathered climbers agreed to disagree about certain points. Krakauer had great hopes to patch things up with Boukreev, but the Russian later died in an avalanche on another Himalayan peak, Annapurna I. In 1999, Krakauer received an Academy Award in Literature from the American Academy of Arts and Letters--a prestigious prize intended "to honor writers of exceptional accomplishment." According to the Academy's citation, "Krakauer combines the tenacity and courage of the finest tradition of investigative journalism with the stylish subtlety and profound insight of the born writer. His account of an ascent of Mount Everest has led to a general reevaluation of climbing and of the commercialization of what was once a romantic, solitary sport; while his account of the life and death of Christopher McCandless, who died of starvation afterchallenging the Alaskan wilderness, delves even more deeply and disturbingly into the fascination of nature and the devastating effects of its lure on a young and curious mind."
Alle Produktbeschreibungen
Taschenbuch: 368 Seiten
Verlag: Anchor; Auflage: Reprint (19. Oktober 1999)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 0385494785
ISBN-13: 978-0385494786
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
13,1 x 1,9 x 20,3 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
4.4 von 5 Sternen
308 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 3.299 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
This is the second time I've read this book and among the many adventure novels I have read, few if any are as well written, as detailed or as methodic as Krakauer's. I find it is not entirely possible to judge the accuracy of his account as there is considerable controversy concerning what went on and this was also not really my goal. In reading the other accounts, it quickly becomes clear, however, that Krakauer is a professional writer and is very skilled at his trade. I also found his account did not display any blatant bias that intended to sway my opinion in any way, which also makes for enjoyable reading and it seemed very much that Krakauer is committed to offering readers a factual, yet engaging account. Particularly his descriptions of the icefall, base camp not to mention the death zone are incredibly vivid and well convey the essence of what it must have been like there. This book will take you close to what it is like to climb Everest and give you a unique, comprehensive perspective of the business of climbing the world's highest mountain.
Nachdem ich bereits mehrere Dokumentationen über den "Tourismus" am Everest im Fernsehen gesehen habe, hat mich dieses Buch mehr als mitgenommen. Von der Vorgeschichte der Expedition und der Teilnehmer bis hin zu den journalistischen "Nachwehen" ist das ganze Drama eindrücklich und aus der persönlichen Sicht des Autors beschrieben. Der Leser fühlt sich in die Ereignisse hineinversetzt und erlebt alles hautnah mit. Von der ersten bis zur letzten Zeile ein dramatisches und spannendes Leseerlebnis ! Keine Sekunde langweilig und unbedingt empfehlenswert.
Easily the best adventure book I have ever read. You pick it up and you won't put it down till you have completed the entire book. Non-fiction that is as gripping as any fiction story. if you are into mountain sports, this book is a must read.
Very well written. Story is great - although very tragic. Makes you want to climb Everest and not climb it at the same time.You have to read it if you like mountains and breaking through your limits. And if you understand things can go terribly wrong. Not all stories have a happy ending.
Habe das Buch verschlungen, obwohl ich weder bergsteige noch ein großer Fan von Abenteuerbüchern bin. Krakauers sehr subjektive Beschreibung und Analyseversuche der Katastrophe am Mount Everest von '96 lassen ahnen, was den Reiz des bergsteigens ausmacht und sogar sich auf unwirtliche 8000er zu wagen. Aber noch viel mehr, warum man es besser sein lässt. Die Besteigung des Sofas mit diesem Buch, während das Feuer im Kamin Wärme verspricht, ist aufregend genug. Empathen zittern und frieren auch hier mit.
Unglaublich kenntnissreich, packend und, glaubt man z.B. Reinhold Messner zum Thema, ehrlich geschrieben. Den anderen Bestseller von Krakauer, "Into the Wild"
Unterhaltsam geschrieben, einfache, klare Sprache.Ein bisschen mehr detalierte Beschreibungen hätten mir gefallen.Mein Lieblingsbuch von ihm bleibt " into the wild"
Gut recherchiert und für einen Tatsachenbericht unglaublich spannend und bewegend geschrieben.
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